Energy Management

LLC «Brooklyn-Kiev» has successfully implemented and is maintaining at a proper level the Energy Management System in compliance with the requirements of the international standards, which has a significant power saving effect.
Our company is the only enterprise in the marine economic complex which is certified by BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION to ISO 50001:2011 (International standard «Energy Management System»).
Implementation and certification to ISO 50001:2011 offer the following advantages:
- Raising of energy efficiency
- Energy and resource saving
- Operational cost saving
- Environmental impact reduction
- Compliance with laws
- Demonstration of social responsibility
- Achieving parity with or superiority over competitors
To date, the company has successfully implemented and put in place energy-efficiency measures:
- there have been modified heating and hot-water supply systems of production and amenity premises, alongside with a change-over of initial fuel of generating plants from diesel one to wood pellets. 6 solid fuel boilers BUDERUS EKO KWP ns 100 have been installed;
- a solar system has been installed and put in operation (solar collectors Logasol SKT 1.0 - 120 pcs.);
- illuminating devices at buildings, structures and handling equipment have been replaced with new-generation energy-efficient ones (LED);
- during design and construction of the Grain Transshipment Complex there were implemented modern engineering solutions.